Monday, May 2, 2011


hmmm apa nk tulis..banyak kali dah bukak tapi banyak sangat nk tulis tatau mana nk start....

hmm baby nyer next date ngan mama on coming 13 may...tapi rasanya either g on the 12 tu (malam) or sabtu pagi...sabtu tu nk balik PD dats why consider nk g on thursday....abah ajak g jalan mana tah since mar tgh cuti....
cant wait to see my baby even ikut monitor pun xper laa...hehehhe...

38 days more to my due date....!! x sabar.., sonok sbb at last nk end dah the 9 months challenge some more without hubby 2/3 of it huhuhu...
jari jemari dah mula membengkak or menggemuk hahahha...minor cramp makin kerap specially bila nk bangun dari duduk huhuuh...and sesekali tapak kaki kiri sangat sakit xleh nk pijak...luckily its kaki kiri coz keta auto byk guna kaki kanan...if not masak laa cmner nk g keje...

will be going to little caliph starting next far she's excited and luckily the fees x laa semahal yg disangka....cuak gak kot laa monthly 400 lbh ke huhuhuuh.....harapnya dia dapat blajar byk dari nursery ni.....tapi mmg saaaayaaaangggg sangat nk benti dari nursery lama but wat to do....dah anak dua ni kene pikir the most convenience and benefits for ika, me and baby...

will be back for 3 weeks starting 29 may ni....seriously u cant ever imagine how much we need you here and how much we miss you......only Allah jer yg tau.....

moga Allah murahkan rezeki dapat tukar ke either branch shah alam or kota damansara.....berharap sangat.....and really berharap HR not going to mess up with me as i have all the evidence please dun let me be sumbody u dun want me to be....

lately rasa sgt2 sedih and risau sbb one by one samada my relative or my close ones' relative passed away.....and one of hubby's uncle dat i like most pun dah kembali padaNya...

i really hope hubby manage to arrange nenek to come over masa bersalin nanti sbb saya rindu nenek dah 2 bulan lebih nih....

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