Monday, May 2, 2011

My List hehehheh

saja nk list kan apa yg duk naaakkkk sesangat (mengidam) dlm 8 bulan pegnant ni....

  • salmon teppanyaki yg mahal tu at last got the courage to buy kat KLCC foodcourt...hahahah mahal tapi worth it n love it...!!!
  • ayam penyet..hehhehe
  • pulut kuah durian
  • starbuck chocolate frappucino
  • sate hj samuri
  • jumpa nenek
  • buah stoi/sentul
yang 4 kat bawah tu sumer x dapat lagi huhuhuuhuhu......


hmmm apa nk tulis..banyak kali dah bukak tapi banyak sangat nk tulis tatau mana nk start....

hmm baby nyer next date ngan mama on coming 13 may...tapi rasanya either g on the 12 tu (malam) or sabtu pagi...sabtu tu nk balik PD dats why consider nk g on thursday....abah ajak g jalan mana tah since mar tgh cuti....
cant wait to see my baby even ikut monitor pun xper laa...hehehhe...

38 days more to my due date....!! x sabar.., sonok sbb at last nk end dah the 9 months challenge some more without hubby 2/3 of it huhuhu...
jari jemari dah mula membengkak or menggemuk hahahha...minor cramp makin kerap specially bila nk bangun dari duduk huhuuh...and sesekali tapak kaki kiri sangat sakit xleh nk pijak...luckily its kaki kiri coz keta auto byk guna kaki kanan...if not masak laa cmner nk g keje...

will be going to little caliph starting next far she's excited and luckily the fees x laa semahal yg disangka....cuak gak kot laa monthly 400 lbh ke huhuhuuh.....harapnya dia dapat blajar byk dari nursery ni.....tapi mmg saaaayaaaangggg sangat nk benti dari nursery lama but wat to do....dah anak dua ni kene pikir the most convenience and benefits for ika, me and baby...

will be back for 3 weeks starting 29 may ni....seriously u cant ever imagine how much we need you here and how much we miss you......only Allah jer yg tau.....

moga Allah murahkan rezeki dapat tukar ke either branch shah alam or kota damansara.....berharap sangat.....and really berharap HR not going to mess up with me as i have all the evidence please dun let me be sumbody u dun want me to be....

lately rasa sgt2 sedih and risau sbb one by one samada my relative or my close ones' relative passed away.....and one of hubby's uncle dat i like most pun dah kembali padaNya...

i really hope hubby manage to arrange nenek to come over masa bersalin nanti sbb saya rindu nenek dah 2 bulan lebih nih....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our Boy's Update - from iVillage

dah nak masuk 35 weeks so this the update before next checkup....

13¼ inches = Height of your baby

pounds = Weight of your baby

3-liter bottle of juice = Size of your baby

Your Body (my body..)

Any time now, you may have what’s called “the bloody show”—and don’t worry, it’s not nearly as horrifying as it sounds!

It’s a small, blood-tinged mucus plug that you might pass when you go to the bathroom. Once the mucus plug has been expelled, labor could follow in hours or days, or it could still be several weeks away. It’s one of your body’s ways of letting you know the baby will be coming soon! For some women, the bloody show doesn’t happen at all pre-labor, and that’s normal, too. If the discharge is bright red or more than about two tablespoons it could indicate a problem, so let your health care provider know.

Your Baby

The little guy is busy putting on body fat—packing on up to a half a pound per week from here on out. In fact, during the last six weeks of pregnancy your baby could gain several pounds. If your doctor has any concerns about the baby’s wellbeing (for example, if he notices that fetal movements seem to have suddenly decreased), he may order a nonstress test to make sure baby really is still doing OK in there. During the test, a fetal monitor is placed on your belly and a technician will track the baby’s heart rate in response to his wiggles and squirms. Normally, heart rate goes up when the baby moves; but if it goes down it could be a sign of distress and your doctor might call for further testing

Your Life (my life) Right Now

Pack your bags! It’s not too early to have your hospital stuff ready to go. Sure, the bag might wind up sitting by the front door for a few more weeks—but that’s better than finding yourself among the moms-to-be who wound up rushing to the hospital without it because they waited just a littletoo long. Along with the obvious items, like a toothbrush, you might want to pack a bathrobe to wear after delivery (those hospital gowns are drafty and, um, revealing). And be sure to choose a going-home outfit that doesn’t come in at the tummy—you won’t get your waist back all at once. You’ll also want to bring clothes for the baby to wear home and your breastfeeding pillow, if you have one. Oh, and don’t forget your partner! He should bring clothes and toiletries, as well. And it’s a good idea to grab a pillow and blanket. Odds are he’s going to be snoozing in a pullout chair in your room—so the more comfy you can make those circumstances, the better! Happy packing


ada rahsia nk bgtau my hubby nih bgtau partly jer xleh lebih2...

lately.., i mean dalam 2 bulan ni saya dah minat sgt ngan sorang artis ni...apa jer drama dia kat tv klu pun penat sure nk tgk jugak...x pun terus bukak web astro tgk bila ulangan....

nasib laa rupa artis tu not bad n quite manly look...x kulit cerah and quite klu bb nanti ada rupa ala2 cm artis tu hehehehhe sorry hunny.., dah jatuh minat kat dia aa...sesangat lak tu haishhhhh.....

MCD Rocks..!! heheheh

yeayyy menang satu set coke can glass from mcd....kalu dak harus laa tiap2 mggu start 28 may nnt nk kene mkn mcd semata2 nk dapat gelas sekaligus dapat 6 without any cost hehehheheh..i'm loving it....

Monday, April 4, 2011

counting...counting.... lately ni banyak involve ngan counting jer....

>>counting bajet nk sambut baby baru ni...
>>countdown hubby balik dari texas (dah lepas)
>>countdown hubby nk fly ke jakarta (pun dah lepas)
>>countdown hubby nk balik sini..
>>countdown baby nyer birth day...
>>counting bajet bawak keta ari2 g opis plus makan ari2 yg mahal tu...

tu sebahagian jer tu....adehhhhh.....


Setiap nafas yang dihembus

Setiap degupan jantung

Aku selalu memikirkanmu

Dalam sedar dibuai angan

Dalam tidur dan khayalan

Aku selalu memikirkanmu

Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang

Barulah terasa ku bernyawa

Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu

Kerana kau beri erti hidup

Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya

Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan

Ku bersyukur adanya kamu

Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia

Asal masih adanya kamu

Friday, February 4, 2011


hmm...hehe klu ikutkan mcm2 nk update tapi everytime nk update time tu laa mata dah ngantuk or it ika's day out so balik dah letih malas nk citer dlm blog.. :p

ari ni nk wat plan...ada 3 checklist kene wat....

1. checklist things-to-do before nk g Texas 9 mac nnt....

2. checklist nk wat simple bday party ika for family member n close neighbour...

3. checklist barang2 baby yg nk kene beli...

tapi bersemangat nk siapkan no 2 n 3 dulu nih....hehehhe...nnt dah siap checklist kita update lagi.. :)

skang nk bersiap nk g jumpa akak tukang urut...

Monday, January 17, 2011

CNY Model...heheheh

ari tu ke tesco shah alam ternampak few cheongsam for kids ni comel2....harga pun belas2 jer so teringat masa kecik dulu mama pakai kan mama ika ni sam its revenge time..hahahahha...!!! bg ika lak pakai... :p

by the way sumer pose2 dia ni ika wat sndiri tetiba jer dia pose beria hehehhehe

Ika oh Ika....


ari ni ika bangun awal tul nk g skul...semangat dia kul 6.45 da bgn n dia terus cakap mama cepat siap ika nk beli kuih nk makan kuih ijau...ika nyer kuih ijau is serimuka....her favourite kuih selain agar2 and kuih lapis...

tapi kan sian ika...xder rezeki dia pagi ni..naper tah ada 3 4 gerai kuih area taman ni tiap2 pagi leh x pagi ni satu pun x bukak...alamak camner nih..ika dah muncung dah..ajak mkn roti canai xnk...

pusing2 laa area kelana jaya lak last2 samapi skul tanpa kuih...huhuhuhu nangis dia....tapi dah janji laa nk bawak ke pasar mlm ptg nnt...doa dlm ati jgn laa ujan ptg ni....

luckily x ujan....even xder serimuka kat pasar malam pun xper dia nak mkn agar2, sate, laksa, tafufa and air soya....tu pun sebenar nya x cukup lagi nak yong tau fu ngan jagung tapi cm xnk membazir....

alhamdulillah balance sket jer laksa n tgh minum susu botol ke dua.....hehehehhe bagus anak mama cepat besar...dulu mama n babah risau ika kecik ngat... :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

After 2 years from my last update...!!


last update was 2 years ago...!!! hhehehe...hmm so nk update sumer yg dalam masa 2 tahun ni ke...panjang tu nanti...

Iffa Zulaikha:
dah nak masuk 4 tahun dah....
makin chubby makin notty makin aktif...yg paling ketara makin kuat bebel hehehehhe....

she loves Barney (ada byk brg2 barney kat rumah ni..) Ironman, Thomas and Friends and paling suka main bola....aduhaii anak pompuan ku penangan nak sangat anak lelaki laa ni masa mengandung kat ika dulu...

favourite food byk yang sama cam mama nya..., suka pasta, mee, mihun, ICE CREAM, tembikai and yg sama ngan babah tu suka makan kerepek2 or maruku...leh duk depan tv sambil kunyah maruku or kerepek sampai abis setengah balang dua beranak tu... :)

skang ni dah 2nd year di taska...alhamdulillah dia cepat pickup...nk tggu mama n babah nyer ajar hmmm tatau laa bila nk dapat masa yg panjang..balik umah dr opis pun dah malam huhuhu...taska ni bukan jer ajar basic academic tapi ajar yg akhirat jugak tu yg
penting... :)

Babah Ika:
haaa...babah ika skang ni tgh nun jauh di sebalik globe bumi ni....mencari rezeki... :) tapi dgn byk teknologi yg ada skang ni x laa rasa jauh sbb almost everyday ber"on9"..

btw, babah ika dlm dua tahun ni maintain jer x laa makin bulat hehhe just berisi (ngaku je laa ye bang... :p )

babah still kat company "E" nyer just tukar2 dept tukar2 bos hehehheh..

skang since mama kene g keje seawal 6.30am and babah lak kul 8.30 so babah antar ika g skul n mama pickup....but bila babah outstation ni ika bangun awal n kul 6.30 dah mandi ngan mata still pejam sbb ngantuk..huhuhu jap jer tu nnt xyah bgn awal ngat dah yer ika...

and babah.., tggu mama n ika g sana k kitorg nyer turn lak nk shopping heheheheh....

Mama Ika:
heheheh mama ika nyer latest pict xder sbb dah few months x ambik gambar...reason: coz mama ika makin BULATTTT...!!!

TAPI bukan sebarang bulat laa...alhamdulillah pas 3 tahun mencuba dan pas berbagai2 dugaan Allah nk uji kami akhirnya we're expecting for our 2nd baby.....syukur....

ika pun excited nak ada adik dia dh lama sesorang kan..pasni ada laa teman nak main....

now mama ika pregnant 20 weeks and expected due date is 10 June 2011....

owh lupa...mama ika pun dah menyalurkan hobbynya baking cakes sbg salah satu nk tambah duit shopping...x laa secara serius tapi alhamdulillah as activity mengisi masa lapang...tapi utk 9 bulan ni x baking atas nasihat hubby my regular customer kene tggu lepas pantang for next myself pun sangat rindu laa nk baking..huhuuhuh..

and i'm now part of KFH family member....dah masuk 2.5years kat situ...if rezeki masih disitu maka stay laa saya klu x maka berhijrah laa... :)

ok dulu for this entry.....since tgh free beberapa ari ni rasa nk update at least every two days ke...hmmm xnk laa after another 2 years lak kan br update heheheheh...