Sunday, June 22, 2008

Euro 2008 Favourite, the Oranje, lost...

Huhuhu... Netherlands was the favourite to win Euro 2008 tournament, but they were beaten by the Russians, which is coached by a Dutchman (Gus Hiddink)...

" brilliant coach beat eleven excellent players." - Arshavin

(Photo from

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firefox Download Day Update

Only several hours to go before the record will be set. As of now, over 7 million downloads recorded by, while some has mentioned that recorded over 15 mil downloads...

Whatever it is, I'm sure a new Guiness World Record is on the way...

Download Day - English

Firefox 3


Abah Ika dah contribute 1 download count untuk set "The Most Downloads in 24 Hours" organised by Mozilla Org.

Siap dapat certificate tuh!!!!

Download Day 2008

135LC ku!!!

Odometer motor abah Ika dah lebih 9,999.9KM, ngam2 setahun pakai...

Nasible... rumah kat kota damansara, keje kat cyberjaya... pegi balik je dah 90KM lebih... huhuhu... terpaksa le bawak motor... kalau bawak keta hari2, mmg kaya le... ibaratnye "Bagai mencurah petrol ke lebuhraya, duit yang habis..."

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Penang Trip - Day 1

Hoho... on May 24, family kitorang pegi bercuti kat Batu Feringghi, Penang, bersama-sama dengan family belah mama ika... lebih kurang tiga hari kitorang kat sana... stay kat Sandy Beach resort...

First time Ika mandi dlm pool, mula2 tu gayat, tapi lepas tu suka... lepas tu payah nak bawak keluar, padahal dah terketar abih...

Malam sikit ada acara makan buffet kat swimming pool compound tu... unfortunately, malam tu hujan and we supposed to sit under the moonlight, so terpaksa la relocate meja letak kat tepi corridor... anyway, makan ramai2 mmg biasanya best, datuk & mak cik celebrate birthday sekali, cuma menu malam tu tak berapa syok lah...

From Penang Family...

Socca Feva has begun!!!

Yeah!!! As I wrote this, the first game of the tournament has ended, the host team were beaten 0-1 to Czech...

The next three weeks will see me coming late to office because the spirit of the game has been enlighten in me... nyeh nyeh nyeh..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Huh! Lamanya tak update...

Hehe... aku rasa it has been quite some time since last aku update blog nih... hehehe...

biasala... bila dah kemalasan (...utk mengupload gambar baru dan mengolah all the crappy things) naik ke tahap maksima, maka tiada lah update yg nak di'update'kan kt dlm blog nih... adapun Puan Sri Nurul tidak juga ingin menokok tambah cerita di dalam blog nih... maka, hamba jua lah yg akan menyempurnakan niat dan hasrat di hati... niat apa? hasrat apa?? ntah, aku pun tatau apa yg aku mengarut nih...