Friday, July 4, 2008

Dah malas balek...


Lambat update blog pasal maleh...

Sebenarnye abah ika baru je tukar department kat opis... sebelum tukar, maleh le nak wat keje so buleh le update selalu blog nih... lagi pun tengah musim euro kan... tapi lepas tukar effective 1st July baru ni, so berapa nak ada masa la... hehe, alasan...

Anyway, viva espania!!!! Spain won Euro 2008!!! ... and they rank #1 now in the world!!! Hou yeah!!!

Update regarding our house in Pinggiran USJ... We joined a forum for Pinggiran USJ residence (or mostly forums for PUSJ's Surau As-syakirin activities...) We came to know that the key to our house is going to be released soon... haha... most probably this month... so, we will no longer have to stay in this rented apartment as we are right now in KD... we will have our own house where we can "ketuk/pecah dinding" wherever we like, those things that we couldn't do now or the landlord will 'hantam kepala kitorang'..

Obviously, that's the best thing...
The bad thing is I've to start calculating budget for the move... huhuhu.... petrol price increase, movers price will also increase... waaaa!!!!

Rumah @ Pinggiran USJ

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